Thursday, May 24, 2007

Second Life ...maybe for some

Watched the ABC 4corners, enjoyed the programme but certainly liked the use of Flexilecture to get to it. Saw Kathryn’s presentation at Murdoch before she went to present at the NLA – she did have some technical problems which reinforced the issue of to participate one needed downloading software and good bandwidth. If this is no longer an issue, then I would think this could be a way especially for our externals and offshore to interact and reduce the isolation and help with the interaction that is missed if one is unable to get to F2F situations. SL could be an extension to those virtual walks with headgears etc… developments from the one dimensional! Once again the visuals help to assist with reinforcement and understanding. Without a doubt there is the opportunity to develop creativity and skills-- IT, social interaction, asking, sharing, networking etc. It would be useful to follow the research discussions such as within Ausslers to track if as RSBLG says is it a fad or to stay...

One could get in and learn a skill or process before perhaps translating it into the real environment e.g. do some stock trading or real estate purchasing. All that is needed is inclination and time..maybe some Linden Dollars! Just picking up from the various existing SL reference models, maybe we could do an information literacy session or just be there at a set time for say our offshore students to interact. Picking up from RSBLG we could develop it as a campus for our offshore and remote students. Of course some givens such as relevant IT infrastructure and time-zone match would be expected!

If we need to adopt this I would look at this as another user option, that is the category that relates to this type of an avenue. The hand-held games and Xbox generation will easily relate to this but I suspect some impatience with the speed etc.

1 comment:

ELLE said...

Second Life only if we can be assurred that the students are there. for the work involved with info lit classes, I am not sure it is worth it. maybe it rakes us one step further than Camtasia.